Monthly Archives: September 2019
Sports that help children increase height in the winter

A mother in Guangzhou (China) shared the sports that help her child to be healthy, increase height rapidly in the winter.
Winter at weekends or whenever there is free time, parents take their children to practice some sports in the park even in cold weather. There are green grass, fresh air, lots of sports for children, but parents should focus on activities such as sniffing, skating, playing basketball, kicking soccer or cycling.
These sports will make a child’s body become stronger, better physically, less sick and a little taller than peers.
High jump
In addition to sniffing solids, high jump is also a sport that helps you stay flexible and increase your height. Every high jump, one parent should dance with the child, each time jumping over 200 times. In addition to helping children increase height just helps sensitive, strong legs. Note that every dance should be done on green grass, to prevent children from falling legs and damage the body.
Play basketball
Playing basketball is a form of exercise that helps stretch the body, each time of movement will constantly stimulate the growth hormone secretion to help the body stay healthy and help height grow. In addition, swimming is also an exercise to help children develop height, winter in cold weather, but if families can afford to let children swim in indoor pools.
Soccer helps children practice strong muscle tendons and supple feet. This is a sport that trains the spirit of teamwork and solidarity, thereby helping children to perceive the feeling of fun playing and relaxing spirit. This is one of the factors that enhance the height of children.
Ride bicycle
Cycling is a sport suitable for girls, with an unrivaled natural growth effect, much more effective than calcium, iron and zinc supplements. Parents go out on a bicycle with their children in fact that is the best remedy to help children quickly develop and develop the capacity to balance and promote the genius factors in young people.
Winter sports became a compulsory subject in Beijing

Recognizing the practical effects of the winter sports, in many schools in China golf becomes a compulsory subject to be taught in the mainstream curriculum.
In order to improve China’s rankings at the Olympics and improve the health of its students, Beijing decided to make winter sports a compulsory subject. After a fierce competition with Almaty (city in Kazakhstan), Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. However, winter sports are not China’s strength.
Recognizing this, China is tasked with improving its performance on the younger generation. In fact, the country has been very successful in training world-class athletes in summer sports through early talent discovery. Therefore, they decided to apply the same method to improve their home country performance at the Winter Olympics.
On October 20, 2017, Beijing’s city leader announced that it was planning to make winter sports a compulsory subject at the elementary and junior high schools in the city. As planned, students must play at least one winter sport. The school requires students to choose a subject and practice for at least one hour per week.
However, at the moment, this plan cannot be implemented because many schools do not have skating rinks, or even do not have enough snow for practice. To solve this problem, Sun Xuecai, Beijing’s Sports Director, said that by 2022, the city will build 16 indoor ice rinks, 50 outdoor ice rinks in the inner city area and one skating area in the suburbs.
According to Sina, some schools have their own skating rinks and invite professional athletes to talk to inspire students to help them choose their favorite sport. The plan to make winter sports a compulsory subject in elementary and junior high schools may not be able to promptly improve China’s rankings in the 2022 Winter Olympics.
But this plan is sure to improve the quality of winter sports. It also helps to train the body for future generations.