Figure skating – The pinnacle of sophistication

The natural condition for this sport is that players must have the right outfit and skates and their prices are not cheap.
Newcomers must also hire coaches, pay for training, competition attire, membership fees and event videos. Parents who want their children to step into this art need to prepare thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars, to pay the fees.
What is figure skating?
Figure skating is a sports competition where athletes have to slide on ice with skates to create harmonious and precise geometric movements. Figure skating is included in the winter Olympics program.
This sport requires individuals, couples or groups to demonstrate the movements, jumps, moves on ice and many other complex movements. Figure skating athletes are assigned from the new group to the Olympic level, at various levels of competition from local, national and international.
Figure skating game consists of 5 categories: Ladies figure skating; Men’s single skating (Men figure skating); Double slider (Pairs figure skating); Dance on ice (Ice dance); Synchronized skating.
History of figure skating
Figure skating was born in the Netherlands around the 13th and 14th centuries. Iron skates also appeared for the first time, giving a boost to the strong development of this discipline. The ice skating club also first appeared in England 1792 with the first official development rules and competition. For the first time, the European International Ice Skating Competition was held in 1882 in Vienna.
In 1892, the International Skating Union (ISU) was born. Since 1896, the championships have been organized and the first international ice skating venue is St Petersburg. The winner is G. Fuchs athlete from Munich.
By 1952, skating became popular and spread in Paris – France, attracting a large number of dancers to this sport. It expanded and developed strongly in Canada, America, Sweden, Finland, England, … Since 1983, Canada started organizing the Synchronized Skating Championships every year. By 1988, the US and Canada were the two leading countries in Figure Skating.
In 1908, Figure Skating first appeared in the Olympics in London and became the official sport of the Winter Olympics since 1924. The International Skating Federation is the place to run the fighting. Price and organize figure skating events in the world.
Conditions to become skater
Figure skating is a noble and rare sport that requires both strength and graceful softness and good musical sensibility. To pursue the dream of becoming a professional athlete of this sport, you must own a huge amount of money to invest in equipment to support the practice: from costumes, shoes slip to the training ground and coaches, … Besides, Figure Skating is a sport that requires a lot of technical difficulties, not everyone can persevere. Moreover, just a small negligence, athletes may also have an unfortunate accident. Therefore, athletes must work hard from the baby to create a solid foundation of basic skills with a strong foundation and a training program in a scientific and systematic way.
A figure skating competition consists of two parts: compulsory performances and free performances. The jury will evaluate based on the following criteria: soft flexibility; The accuracy of the exercises they outlined on the tape and the difficulty of the movements. Actions include circus jumps and spectacular turns.